October 6, 2024

What’s New

  • The look and feel of the LoanPro UI has been updated, improving the visual experience of LoanPro without changing any existing functionality.
  • Integrated with Cybersource as a debit and credit card payment processor. Users can now use Cybersource to process payment and funding transactions through LoanPro.
  • Expanded the Event-Based Notification tool to include Smart Checklist status changes to the list of events that can trigger a notification. Notifications can now be sent automatically when a checklist status is updated.
  • Added a new function to the Simple Roll Schedule tool that allows users to overwrite existing schedule rolls when creating a new one. If selected, the overwrite function will add a new schedule roll without interrupting existing schedule rolls. This addition eliminates the need to apply multiple new schedule rolls to alter accounts with an existing schedule.
  • Added the ability to use a static carried balance fee for the interest accrual on line of credit buckets instead of a percentage amount. This addition uses brackets to determine the fee amount, allowing users to automatically apply predetermined fee amounts to accounts that have carried balances.
  • A new icon is now displayed next to Agent Walkthroughs that do not qualify for use on a loan within the Smart Panel and Loan Summary tiles. This update improves the agent experience by visually communicating whether an Agent Walkthrough can or cannot be opened on the loan.
  • A new NACHA file version was added to Secure Payments, expanding the available options to V1 and V2.
  • LoanPro’s databases have been updated from MySQL version 5.7 to version 8, improving performance and reliability, as well as introducing support for additional SQL syntax.
  • The list of information stored within the Audit Trail for line of credit accounts was expanded, providing a broader range of account history and visibility.
  • The formatting of CPA-005 V2 files has been updated to improve readability. CPA-005 V2 files now left-aligns account numbers and uses spaces in place of zeroes.
  • Added the ability to label API tokens. This addition allows users to provide context to their API tokens, such as access level or integration information.
  • Improved the accuracy of the list of Canadian bank institution numbers shown to users when creating a payment profile.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused interest to erroneously accrue on loan accounts with a $0 balance if the account included an interest adjustment.
  • Made an adjustment to how context engine variables display on Agent Walkthrough data pages.