November 25, 2024

What’s New

  • We added a new data field to card information that stores when a card was activated to improve card data transparency. Activation date information is stored within a new "activation_date" field, which can be pulled via the /card-details/for-uuid/{card-uuid} ↗ endpoint of the Secure Payments API. Please note that this information is only available for cards created after this release—previously created cards will not include the "activation_date" field.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that was causing the AutoPay Processing Status toggle on the line of credit AutoPay page to sometimes display an “off” status even when AutoPay processing was enabled for the account. Now, the Processing Status toggle correctly displays the status of AutoPay processing.
  • We fixed an issue that was causing the value of the linked accounts effective balance in the line of credit daily archive to display as zero. Now, this value is calculated and displayed correctly.

November 19, 2024

What’s New

  • We added the ability to access Agent Walkthroughs directly via URLs, making it possible to jump into a Walkthrough without navigating to the Agent Walkthroughs page of a loan account. This addition also includes the ability to forgo the Walkthrough’s rule validation when using a direct URL.
  • We expanded the line of credit AutoPay renewal functionality to automatically change a renewed AutoPay’s status from “Failed” to “Pending”, ensuring that renewed AutoPays are queued for reprocessing and eliminating the need to do so manually.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue wherein transaction metadata was not being included in transactions processed by processor configurations. This affected only processors that use the V2 option. Now, transactions processed by with the V2 setting will include transaction metadata.
  • We updated how the system generates and displays the amount values for remaining minimum payment and remaining statement balance in the UI and API responses. Instead of calculating the balances manually in LMS, the system now references the Line of Credit Daily Archive database table (line_of_credit_daily_archive). This change ensures the accuracy of the values moving forward.

November 11, 2024

What’s New

  • We added the ability to get linked account information via the API, making it easier to view due dates, due amounts, and more. To support the functionality, we created a new endpoint:
  • We expanded the AutoPay functionality for linked line of credit accounts to include a new “Current Due Amount” option. This option calculates a sum of the currently due and past due amounts for all linked accounts, making it easier to allow borrowers to schedule payments for linked accounts that have a combination of current and past due accounts.
  • We added the ability to securely upload, store, and download encrypted files within the LoanPro UI, eliminating the need for a separate SFTP site. Files are stored within the Report File Hub tab of the Administration Reports. 
  • We introduced a new rule validation tool that allows you to write a Clojure rule and check whether a specific account matches the rule criteria. This feature greatly simplifies the process of writing Clojure rules and removes the guesswork of determining whether a rule applies to the intended account(s).

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that was causing AutoPay errors on accounts that use the “split payment” function to apply payments to multiple linked accounts. Previously, the AutoPay would apply correctly to the main line of credit account but would run into errors when applying to linked accounts. Now, split payment AutoPays apply payments to all linked accounts successfully.
  • We updated the order in which disputes are ordered within the UI. Disputes are now ordered by date instead of ID, ensuring the most recent disputes are listed first.

November 4, 2024

What’s New

  • We’ve expanded the swipe reversal functionality for line of credit accounts. Reversing a swipe transaction was previously only available within the UI, but now you can reverse swipes via the LMS API. To support this, we created the following endpoint:
  • We’ve added the ability to pull your environment’s variable rate index history via the API. To support this, we created the following endpoints:
  • We updated the information that’s stored when ACH payment transactions are made within Secure Payments to include bank account routing number. Previously, an ACH payment transaction would only include the bank account number and omit the routing number. Due to this, the batching process required a translation step in which Secure Payments would read payment profile tokens, translate them into account and routing number, and list both numbers within the batch file. With this change, batching is faster, and routing numbers are now visible in:
    • NACHA batch CSV files
    • responses from the GET NACHA batch transactions API request
    • transaction information for transactions made via integrated ACH payment processors

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that was causing bank account verification errors for those using the ValidiFi integration. Previously, a character limit constraint imposed on bank account numbers was leading to errors during verification. This constraint has been updated, ensuring bank accounts of all lengths are verified by ValidiFi properly.
  • We fixed an issue that was restricting some users from receiving a password reset email when attempting to log in to the Customer Portal. This issue was specifically affecting users who had not yet verified their login email address. Now, if the password reset function is requested from a user that has not verified their email, the Customer Portal will first send an verification email.
  • We fixed an issue that caused some API tokens to provide only 401 Unauthorized responses even when their associated role settings granted access to endpoints. Now, LoanPro support team members can resolve API token issues if requested. Please reach out to your LoanPro support representative if an API token is not functioning properly.

October 28, 2024

What’s New

  • Added a new feature to CPA-005 processors that allows users to add a specified number of business days to each transaction within CPA-005 files.
  • Introduced a mobile-friendly version of the Customer Portal. Now, users viewing the Customer Portal on mobile devices can do so with an improved experience.
  • Added the ability to use Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) as a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) option for users logging in to the Customer Portal. Please note that this feature is not automatically enabled, and doing so requires support from the LoanPro team. Reach out to your LoanPro support representative to learn more.
  • Introduced the ability to allow borrowers to withdraw funds from a line of credit account via the Customer Portal. Please note that this feature is not automatically enabled, and doing so requires support from the LoanPro team. Reach out to your LoanPro support representative to learn more.
  • Expanded the line of credit AutoPay functionality to allow users to set an AutoPay amount that includes all linked account balances. When used in tandem with LoanPro’s Split Payment functionality, a single or recurring AutoPay made on a parent line of credit account can now automatically cover the balance of all linked accounts.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the AutoPay button within the Customer Portal to not be shown to users. The AutoPay button now displays as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the balances of child line of credit accounts were not being considered when calculating the main account’s total balance. This resulted in an inaccurate representation of the main line of credit accounts’ total balance and available credit. This issue only affected main line of credit accounts with links to both loan accounts and other line of credit accounts. Main accounts with links to only loans or only line of credit accounts were not affected. Now, main line of credit account balances accurately reflect the total balance of their linked accounts.

October 21, 2024

What’s New

  • Introduced a new “On Us” functionality to NACHA processors that helps users separate transactions based on routing number. With “On Us” processing enabled, Secure Payments generates two NACHA files: one with transactions from specific routing numbers, and one with transactions from all other routing numbers. This feature is especially useful for banks and credit unions that use LoanPro, as it ensures repayment transactions made between two accounts within the same financial institution are not included in NACHA files for processing—cutting unnecessary costs and processing time.
  • Added the ability to create Cybersource processor configurations via the Secure Payments UI and API.

October 14, 2024

What’s New

  • Loan and line of credit account display IDs are now listed in browser tab descriptions, making it easier to navigate between tabs when servicing multiple accounts.
  • Added three new context variables to the webhooks that are generated by the “Advancement Posted” event-based notification. Each “Advancement Posted” webhook message now includes the following information within the "context" object:
    • "loan-id"
    • "advancement_amount"
    • "advancement_date"
    • "advancement_category"
  • Introduced event-based notifications for Enhanced Funding transactions. Now, you can automatically trigger notifications when an Enhanced Funding transaction is posted on a loan account.
  • Expanded upon the ability to preview loan, line of credit, and customer documents without having to download them. Previously, document previews were only available for JPEG uploads, but we’ve expanded this functionality to include PDF and PNG uploads. We also made document previews available in a few new locations within the UI:
    • Checklist Loan Summary tile
    • Documents Loan Summary tile
    • Within the Smart Checklist page (Servicing > Smart Checklists) of loan and line of credit accounts
    • Within the Documents tab (Servicing > Documents) of loan and line of credit accounts

Bug Fixes

  • Removed a tooltip that appeared when a user hovered over a checklist status which made it difficult to check/uncheck checklist boxes.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when attempting to create a Quick Action step that updates the “Credit Status” field of a line of credit account. Previously, an error message would appear and restrict the user from saving the Quick Action step. Now, Quick Action steps that update account credit statuses do so without issue.

October 6, 2024

What’s New

  • The look and feel of the LoanPro UI has been updated, improving the visual experience of LoanPro without changing any existing functionality.
  • Integrated with Cybersource as a debit and credit card payment processor. Users can now use Cybersource to process payment and funding transactions through LoanPro.
  • Expanded the Event-Based Notification tool to include Smart Checklist status changes to the list of events that can trigger a notification. Notifications can now be sent automatically when a checklist status is updated.
  • Added a new function to the Simple Roll Schedule tool that allows users to overwrite existing schedule rolls when creating a new one. If selected, the overwrite function will add a new schedule roll without interrupting existing schedule rolls. This addition eliminates the need to apply multiple new schedule rolls to alter accounts with an existing schedule.
  • Added the ability to use a static carried balance fee for the interest accrual on line of credit buckets instead of a percentage amount. This addition uses brackets to determine the fee amount, allowing users to automatically apply predetermined fee amounts to accounts that have carried balances.
  • A new icon is now displayed next to Agent Walkthroughs that do not qualify for use on a loan within the Smart Panel and Loan Summary tiles. This update improves the agent experience by visually communicating whether an Agent Walkthrough can or cannot be opened on the loan.
  • A new NACHA file version was added to Secure Payments, expanding the available options to V1 and V2.
  • LoanPro’s databases have been updated from MySQL version 5.7 to version 8, improving performance and reliability, as well as introducing support for additional SQL syntax.
  • The list of information stored within the Audit Trail for line of credit accounts was expanded, providing a broader range of account history and visibility.
  • The formatting of CPA-005 V2 files has been updated to improve readability. CPA-005 V2 files now left-aligns account numbers and uses spaces in place of zeroes.
  • Added the ability to label API tokens. This addition allows users to provide context to their API tokens, such as access level or integration information.
  • Improved the accuracy of the list of Canadian bank institution numbers shown to users when creating a payment profile.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused interest to erroneously accrue on loan accounts with a $0 balance if the account included an interest adjustment.
  • Made an adjustment to how context engine variables display on Agent Walkthrough data pages.

September 17, 2024

What’s New

  • Borrowers can now reset their passwords themselves using the new “Forgot your password?” feature on the Customer Portal login page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Finicity integration where account transactions couldn’t be retrieved if a newly connected account didn’t have a “Last Transaction Date.” This update ensures that transaction retrieval is uninterrupted, even with incomplete account details.
  • Increased the width of “Rule” fields on certain pages to make them more readable and user-friendly.
  • Adjusted the layout of the “results per page” text on tables like the Loan Manager and Line of Credit Manager. The text is now properly aligned with the dropdown menu for a cleaner, more organized look.
  • Previously, Line of Credit information alerts were showing too frequently, even when there was no actionable issue. These alerts have now been adjusted to only appear when necessary, reducing unnecessary notifications and improving user experience.
  • Fixed an issue where changes made to Custom Fields associated with collateral in rapid succession would occasionally fail to save. This update ensures that all changes to Custom Fields save successfully.