What’s New
- We expanded the existing list of columns that can be selected within the line of credit manager. The following columns were added:
- Percent Credit Utilization
- Billing Cycle Due Date
- Remaining Minimum Payment
- Linked Accounts Total Balance
- Highest Credit
- Remaining Statement Balance
- We added the ability to create loans with a $0.00 balance as long as one of the following is met: the account uses an interest only loan calculation type or a configurable payment schedule exists and sets a determined payment amount. Previously, $0.00 balance accounts could not be created.
- We added the ability to export data from the Credit Utilization Report for line of credit accounts.
- We expanded the list of customer roles to include “Authorized User”. Previously, a customer profile could have a role of “Primary”, “Secondary”, or “Additional”. Now, you can set a customer profile as the “Authorized User” of a loan or line of credit account.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed an issue that was restricting configurable payment schedule imports from validating. Now, all configurable payment schedule imports validate properly.
- We fixed an issue that was limiting the available email enrollment options a new Agent User was granted access to an environment. Now, all email enrollment options are displayed and available for new Agent Users.